Friday, December 13, 2013


This week, we discussed divorce and remarriage. On Monday, we identified some divorce statistics. One that really stood out to me was that 70 percent of divorced people, after two years, believe they could have and SHOULD have saved the marriage. The easy way is not always the best way. Divorce is not easy because it costs a lot of money, but it is an easy way to get out of a marriage. I realize there are times when people have to get a divorce. It is to the benefit of every family member, but I also believe there are times when the family should try and work together to make the marriage work. Parents should look at the future consequences of divorce when they are mad and upset with one another. Children no longer have a stable home. They are going from one to the other if parents have joint custody. If one parent gets remarried, it's difficult for the children to adjust in most cases. Sometimes children want to please both parents, but mom is trying to get child to be on her side. If the divorced parents have children and joint custody, they still have to see each other and communicate. They still have to be respectful. This is so difficult for the children and parents. If possible, families should try to work out their problems. There are many counselors who can help, or the Lord is the best counselor. Even though it's very difficult to work through problems and difficulties, it will be worth it in the end. Families will be happier. Usually the hard way is the best way.

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