Adolescence is a very challenging time for both the parents and child. The child starts to be more independentQ and doesn't want mom and dad involved as much. They want more freedom. Parents have a hard time adjusting to all the changes. Conflict arises out of opposing needs and interests. There seems to be more arguments and the relationship can closeness lessens. It all depends on how the situations are handled. Most people think that the teenage years are the worst, but really they can be great. Parents need to remember to be warm and supportive. Again, good communication is necessary. Both parents and child need to strive to understand and respect the other. Everyone should be open about their feelings. Spend time together. If You have a chance, I would encourage you to watch this video.
I think it can be used as a metaphor of our life. It starts out kind of slow. There are some excited, big times in life as we continue to grow older. As children are starting to grow up and move out, there are a lot of huge changes to be made. As we work together just as the piano and cello, it can turn out beautiful. Remember our family and our relationships will be what we make them.
I am sad to have this semester be over. I have absolutely loved this class and all it has taught me. One think that I think I have found to be most important in the family unit is communication. Verbal and non verbal communication is important, but listening is just as if not more. We can learn so much by slowing down to listen. A father once said, "I do a greater amount of good when I listen to my children than when I talk to them." Elder Nelson said, "Wise parents and teachers, listen to learn from children." One last quote that I think sums my ideas up really well is, "Speak in such a way that others love to listen to you, listen in such a way that others love to speak to you."
One other thing I have found really important is dating. Dating the right way rather than hanging out. Dating is our way of finding an eternal companion. If we use Elder Oaks advice and date the right way with the 3 P's, 1-Planned Ahead, 2-Paid For, 3-Paired off, we will get to know our dates better and find good qualities or bad ones. We will be able to better understand what we want in our future spouse.
This class has been a great blessing in my life. I have learned about the importance of family. I love my future family already. Thank you to everyone who has taken the time to read my blog. I really appreciate you. If you have questions feel free to comment.
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