This week we were able to learn and discuss parenting. We talked about the importance and purpose of parenting. We also discussed some of the ideal ways to handle situations with our children. During the whole week, I was able to see how important it is for parents to teach by example. Especially for teenagers, they learn better by watching their parents rather than listening to what they have to say. That's no fun. We want our kids to listen to what we say and we just want them to do it. It doesn't quite work like that most of the time even if we wished it would. We have to spend a lot of time and work really hard to best teach our children and provide for their needs.
Personal prayer and scripture study are crucial. They help us learn from our Savior and be guided in our every day life. We want our children to be active in their scriptures and pray regularly. We can't just tell them to do it and expect it. Parents should do it as a family and also personally. I love to walk into my parents room and see them kneeling at their bedside. It helps me have a stronger desire to do it myself.
Children make mistakes just as parents do. We don't want to see our children make mistakes so we try to help them make better choices. Sometimes when they mess up, it's hard not to get really upset and yell. Then if the child yells back, we get even more upset. Once again, we are teaching by example. If we instead choose to be respectful and talk firmly but politely, we can hope for the same in return. That may not happen, but at least we are doing our best and setting a good example that will hopefully one day benefit our children.
We desire for our children to have great qualities. One thing my parents have always tried to instill in me was the importance of hard work, honesty, and respect. I learned it because they lived it. I remember a time when my mother was very honest. She went back and told the truth after another person had lied about my brother's age. It would have been easy to not go back and tell the truth because my brother got something free, but she went back and was honest. I'll never forget that great example. My father is a very hard working man. As we works on the farm, there are times he doesn't go to bed because he is working hard to provide for our family. He also gave me the opportunity to work on the farm as I moved water for many years. My parent's examples helped me to learn important lessons.
President Hinkley once said, "When parents try to teach their children to avoid danger, it is no
answer for parents to say to their children, ‘We are experienced and
wise in the ways of the world, and we can get closer to the edge of the
cliff than you.’ Parental hypocrisy can make children cynical and
unbelieving of what they are taught in the home. For instance, when
parents attend movies they forbid their children to see, parental
credibility is diminished. If children are expected to be honest,
parents must be honest. If children are expected to be virtuous, parents
must be virtuous. If you expect your children to be honorable, you must
be honorable."
It's up to you parents. Teach by example. If you mess up, IT'S OKAY. Apologize and do better next time. Reach to our loving Heavenly Father and he will help you and guide you.
Great post! I honestly believe that one of the best ways we can parent is through our diligent example. Children are obviously quite perceptive and therefore it is vital that parents are constantly diligent in seeking to maintain positive character traits. How have you witnessed the importance of teaching by example? What is the connection between the Atonement and parenting when thinking about parenting in terms of teaching?